Last updated October 31, 2023
We have put together an ultimate list of the best and the worst car service companies serving Dulles International Airport (IAD). You can see our results below. In order to come up with the absolute BEST list, we decided to use Yelp, Google and Facebook reviews for each company.
How were the results calculated?
We counted all the reviews found on the above-mentioned sites and created weighted average ratings. Our aim was to present an objective assessment of the car service providers’ reputations. Since we believe that some companies might focus on a particular site and have a much better overall rating on that site only, we have eliminated any subjectivity by creating averages.
An important thing to keep in mind: the review count and star rating averages are as of this date: 10/31/23
Dulles Airport Car Service Reviews Below
1. DCAcar reviews: 789, star rating: 5
2. Culdesac reviews: 83, star rating: 5
3. Groundlink reviews: 259, star rating: 3.3
4. Execucar reviews: 71, star rating: 4.0
5. Theairportshuttle reviews: 48, star rating: 1.4
How did we decide who should be included on our list? We performed a Google search for “car service Dulles Airport “, and selected those companies that showed up on the first page. We then filtered results by review count (excluding companies with less than 5 reviews).
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